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 Knowing and Doing: In Memory of Jim Bennett (1947–2023)
Venerdì 20 Settembre 2024
Visite : 480

On the occasion of the 43rd Symposium of the Scientific Instrument Commission in Ottawa, we would like to come together to share our memories. With the support of the SIC Board and the LOC, we have organized a hybrid session

         Knowing and Doing: In Memory of Jim Bennett (1947–2023)

         Friday, 20 September 2024, 9 am (Ottawa time).

We’ll begin with short contributions by a group of Jim’s former students or collaborators, each combining a personal reminiscence with a reflection or specific example showing where Jim’s own studies or his methodology continue to influence their own work. We’ll then open the floor — both in-person and online — for those who would like to add a further remembrance.

To join the session remotely, please use the link to register: