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Call For Abstracts_session "T17. BACK TO THE FUTURE. History of geological studies and mapping as a key for sustainable development"
Venerdì 26 Aprile 2024
Visite : 695

T17. BACK TO THE FUTURE. History of geological studies and mapping as a key for sustainable development

Geology for a sustainable management of our Planet

Bari, 3-5 September, 2024

Knowledge of the territory is the basic requirement for a sustainable development. In these terms, the experience of the geoscientists of the past represents a precious legacy for present and future generations. Consistently with the main theme of the Congress, this session focuses on the valorization of previous geological studies and mapping as tools for a modern and ethical approach to land planning and management, and risk prevention and mitigation. Contributions on history of geological studies are warmly encouraged, with special attention to less developed areas of the Planet, which have been overexploited, in near and distant past, regardless of environment preservation. To this regard, an interesting insight can be traced in the history of geological research in Southern Italy, Sardinia and Sicily; a particular discussion is proposed here on what we can call, borrowing a well-known concept of Italian historiography, the "questione geologica meridionale".
From a particular point of view, looking 'back to the future', history of geosciences can effectively contribute to analyze the worldwide phenomenon of different development speeds that, at various scales, marked and still mark the inequalities between North from South, in a sort of "fractal" pattern replicating in space and time.
CONVENERS: Alessio Argentieri (Città metropolitana di Roma Capitale), Rossella De Ceglie (Università di Bari), Paolo Macini (Università di Bologna), Marco Pantaloni (ISPRA), Carla Petrocelli (Università di Bari)

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Deadline for abstracts submission: April 26th, 2024

For more info, see the web site

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