Calendario eventi
a Venerdì 15 Marzo 2024 - 23:00
Environment/environments. Trajectories of a concept
Symposium in Naples, October 24-25, 2024
Call for Abstracts
Deadline for Submission: March 15, 2024
The aim of the symposium is to reconstitute the plural history of the notion of environment by means of historically, philosophically, and politically significant case studies that may represent some turning points in the scientific enrichment of this notion (as for instance the biotic characterization of the environment by Darwin enriched the mainly abiotic one by Lamarck, or the integration of sociological aspects has enriched the study of ecosystems, or the incorporation of climate has enriched the notion of global environment), or which may highlight how the discovery of particular environments has helped the advancement of environmental sciences.
The symposium will focus on two sets of issues, which are of particular significance for the current crisis:
- Changes in the representation of the relationship between development, evolution and health of organisms and their environment;
- The role of past environments in modelling the present state of the environment and predicting its future states
New Deadline for Submission: April 15, 2024.
Please submit a 750-word abstract (essential bibliographical references excluded) prepared for anonymous review as a Word Document or PDF to: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
The abstract file must be accompanied by a separate document containing name and surname of the author(s), affiliation, title of the abstract and e-mail address. The language of the conference is English. Selected speakers will have 30 minutes (including presentation and discussion) for their paper.
The symposium will consist of 3 sessions (24 October full day; 25 October morning). 8 contributions will be selected for the symposium by double-blind review, and additional papers will be selected for the proceedings.
Symposium Organizing Committee: Silvia Caianiello (ISPF, CNR), Elena Casetta (University of Turin), Elena Gagliasso (University La Sapienza, Rome), Alessandra Passariello (Zoological Station Anton Dohrn, Naples)
Scientific Committee: Carmela Morabito (University Tor Vergata, Rome), David Ceccarelli (University Tor Vergata, Rome), Maria Conforti (University La Sapienza, Rome)