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Mercoledì 27 Settembre 2023
Visite : 1135

The International Congress of History of Science and Technology, held every four years, is the world’s premier meeting for history of science and technology. The 27th Congress will be held as a hybrid in-person and online event at the University of Otago’s Dunedin campus in June-July 2025. It will bring together a diverse group of the world’s leading scholars and students in the fields of history of science, technology, and medicine as well as related disciplines. It will be the first time the Congress has been held in Australasia and only the second time in the Southern Hemisphere.

General Guidelines for Symposium Organizers:

A Symposium is an organized thematic panel consisting of several papers or presentations addressing a specific topic. The Congress requires that each Symposium be organized by two or more individuals from different countries. We encourage organizers to make every effort to have a diversified line-up, with a balance of gender and geographic backgrounds.

The theme of the 27th ICHST is “Peoples, Places, Exchanges, and Circulation." We invite Symposia submissions on any topic in the history of science, technology and medicine, but we especially encourage proposals that address aspects of the conference theme, across all periods, and from a variety of methodological and historiographical approaches.

Each Commission of the Division of the History of Science and Technology of the International Union of History and Philosophy of Science is expected to organize at least one Symposium in its area.

Program Structure:

Each day of the Congress will be divided into four 90-minute session slots. A Symposium can be held over one or more of these 90-minute slots. Within the structure of 90-minute slots, Symposium organizers are free to propose any arrangement of speakers, provided each 90-minute slot includes no more than four papers or presentations. For instance, one 90-minute session slot could accommodate two, three or four regular papers, another slot could be used for discussion, etc.

We also encourage organizers to propose roundtables and other innovative, experimental Symposia formats. Irrespective of the format used, organizers and chairs are expected to reserve enough time for general discussion between the presenters and audience.

It is extremely important that organizers be absolutely strict with the start and end times of all their session slots. Also, the order of presentations should not be altered after the publication of the final program, even in case of unexpected absences.

Submitting Proposals:

Organizers of Symposia will need to submit the following using the form provided:

  • Title and an approximately 250-word abstract of the Symposium in English.
  • CVs of the organizers (no more than one page each).
  • Number of 90-minute session slots requested.
  • DHST Commission Name (if applicable)
  • List of expected participants.

Organizers will be contacted later about submitting CVs (no more than one page each) and abstracts in English (approximately 250 words) from all the participants.

Policy on Speakers Making Multiple Contributions:

One of the key aims of the Congress is to bring together as many scholars as possible for mutual discussion. To include the maximum number of speakers within the constraints of the timetable, we have to stipulate that no individual may present more than one paper at the Congress, as a stand-alone presenter and/or as part of one or more Symposia.

Individuals presenting in one session are, however, permitted to:

  • co-organize a different session (provided they do not contribute a paper to that session too)
  • commentate on a different session
  • chair a different session (or their own session, if the Symposium organizers approve of presenter-chaired sessions)
  • organize or take part in non-paper-session activities around the Congress, as agreed with the Congress organizers.

The Congress organizers will do their best to avoid clashes between proposed multiple commitments, but the large number of parallel sessions at the Congress means this cannot be guaranteed. Please contact us if you need further information.



  • Call for submission of symposia proposals: Now open
  • Deadline for submission of symposia proposals: 1 April 2024
  • Call for stand-alone papers opens: 1 April 2024
  • Registration opens: 11 July 2024
  • Deadline for submission of stand-alone paper proposals: From 1 October 2024
  • Deadline for submission of paper abstracts within symposia: From 1 November 2024
  • Early bird registration closes: 3 April 2025
  • Program released online: From 1 May 2025
  • Final date for registration: 1 May 2025
  • Congress opens: 29 June 2025
See the web site.
Luogo University of Otago