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Conference "Copernicus and Italy 2023"
Da Giovedì 28 Settembre 2023
a Sabato 30 Settembre 2023
Visite : 1225

Copernicus and Italy. Corona magnorum virorum et artificium: a revolutioniary astronomer in the cradle of humanism

September 28th  -- September 30th, 2023
ROME, Italy

The meeting, organized by the INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Rome in collaboration with the Istituto Polacco and the Società Astronomica Italiana (SAIt) will be held in Rome on 28-30 September 2023. 

The conference - inspired by the passage in Rheticus’ Narratio Prima that describes his teacher in Rome surrounded by artists and scholars - will focus on the multi-faceted relations between Copernicus and Italy, that is, considered in their wide and inter-related biographical, historical, cultural and scientific aspects. 

Thus, we welcome papers addressing topics such as the first reception of Copernicus’s works and ideas, the constant dialogue with Italian technical astronomy and astrology, the interdisciplinary cultural impact on the humanistic and popular milieus of the time and the National Copernican Celebrations along the centuries. 

Among invited scholars we mention Anna de Pace (Università di Milano), Rivka Feldhay (Cohn Institute – Tel Aviv University), André Goddu (Stonehill College – Easton MA), Andreas Kuhne (Ludwig Maximilian Universitat, Munich), Michael Shank (University of Wisconsin – Madison), Robert Westman (University of California – San Diego) and Jaroslaw Wlodarczyk (Instytut Historii Nauki PAN).

The Workshop will also take into account the extraordinary role of Artur Wolynski, the founder of our collection, and of Bronislaw Bilinski, the other crucial Polish philologist and historian that worked in Rome and published important contributions about Copernicus.


Registration is open, please click here.

Luogo Rome - Astronomical and Copernican Museum