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Deadline-2024 STAND Prize for Early Career Scholars
Lunedì 18 Dicembre 2023
Visite : 1222

2024 STAND Prize for Early Career Scholars

The DHST Commission on Science, Technology, and Diplomacy (STAND) announces its early career scholars prize for outstanding papers addressing the history of science, technology and medicine in their international contexts. Topics might include, but are not limited to: science diplomacy, international cooperation in fields related to science, technology or medicine, and the transnational circulation of technoscientific and medical knowledge, materials, and expertise. The award aims to provide support and recognition for fresh voices in the field. 

Candidates must have recently been awarded a PhD (within the previous 8 years) or must be enrolled in a PhD program. We particularly encourage submissions from groups and regions underrepresented in the aforementioned research themes/areas.

The award consists of a cash prize of 300 USD (plus 200 USD for travel expenses to present the winning paper at the next STAND annual meeting in September 2024). The award winner will be announced at the beginning of 2024. The prize committee of the Commission will consider in their reflection on entries the following: academic quality, methodological innovation, clarity in expression, and the integration of novel historical perspectives on science, technology, and medicine in their interplay with diplomatic history and the history of international relations. 

Submissions should be in the form of an essay of 7,000 to 10,000 words (including citations and references). Entries should be of work not previously published.

Deadline for submission is December 18, 2023

For all early career scholars interested in entering the prize competition, please send your submissions to the Commission Secretary, Matthew Adamson (Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.).