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Global History of Science and Technology Festival 2023
Da Giovedì 28 Settembre 2023
a Sabato 30 Settembre 2023
Visite : 1244

For the first time in its history, the Division for the History of Science and Technology (DHST/IUHPST), with generous assistance from the British Society for the History of Science (BSHS), is organizing a conference in-between its traditional international congresses that take place every four years.

Different from the congresses, which aim at giving hundreds of participants an opportunity to present recent results from their respective fields, the aim of this meeting — that we are calling the Global History of Science and Technology Festival 2023 — is to bring together historians of science and technology representing the diversity of regions, backgrounds and topics that the DHST stands for to reflect on one and only topic:

*The Future of History of Science and Technology / History of Science and Technology for the Future.*

While this choice of theme allows us to reflect on our shared futures, it also invites us to revisit the ideals on which the DHST was founded: internationalism, peace, and an understanding that each part of the world is constituted of contributions coming from others. We are strongly convinced of the need to think about this topic as a community. This does not mean pretending that geographical, ideological, gender, racial or any other fault lines that are all too real in the structuring of the national and global organization of academic work do not exist. It means, however, striving to create a space where these hierarchies are subverted and we can all listen to each other, albeit imperfectly. With this in mind, the conference will be organized as a 24-hour online festival moving across the globe as time passes by. There will be no parallel sessions, so that everyone is exposed to the diversity of views, methods, concerns, and backgrounds represented by speakers who were nominated by our national members, commissions, and sections. The talks will be kept intentionally short: the aim is not to discuss research results but instead to make a clear statement with respect to the main theme from each speaker's unique standpoint within their national or disciplinary tradition.


Time zone conversion table

The event is organized as an online 24-hours rolling festival. It starts on September 29, 2023, at 00.01 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).

Please note that the times in the program, including the kick-off at 00.01 UTC, are all in Coordinated Universal Time (same as Greenwich Mean Time). This means that, depending on your time zone, the festival may start at some time on Spetember 28 and finish on the next day, or it may start later on September 29 and extend until September 30. Please use this conversion table to find your corresponding time zone.


For more info, see the web site.

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Luogo On-line