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The History, Uses and Future of the Nobel Prize in Italy
Giovedì 06 Ottobre 2022, 15:00 - 18:30
Visite : 1530


We are very excited about the Nobel symposium on 6 October during the Nobel Prize announcement week! It will start at 3pm in the beautiful Sala di Lettura, History of Medicine Library, Sapienza viale dell’Università, 34.a, 00185 Rome.



3.00-3.15 Welcome addresses:

Maria Conforti, Museo di Storia della Medicina, Sapienza
HE Jan Björklund, Swedish ambassador in Italy
Heiner Fangerau, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf

(Chair: Gilberto Corbellini, Rome)

3.15-3.45 Paolo Mazzarello, Pavia: Golgi – the first Italian Nobel

3.45-4.15 Giacomo Padrini, Düsseldorf: Italian nominees for the Nobel
Prize in physiology or medicine 1901-1950: Scholars, Research trends,

4.15-4.30 Break

(Chair: Maria Conforti, Rome)

4.30-5.00 Luca Borghi, Rome: Aldo Castellani, Nobel nominee and
globetrotter of Italian medicine

5.00-5.30 Elisabetta Sirgiovanni, Rome: Ugo Cerletti: the missing
Nobel Prize

5.30-5.50 Nils Hansson, Thorsten Halling, Düsseldorf: The Gender Award
Gap: (In)visibility of women in prize cultures

5.50-6.00 Giovanni Paoloni, Commissione per la Storia dell'Accademia
dei Lincei: Commentary

6.00-6.30 Panel discussion: The Uses and Future of (Nobel) prizes in
Italy, with all speakers (moderated by Nils Hansson)


8.00 Dinner

Luogo Sala di Lettura, History of Medicine Library, Sapienza, viale dell’Università, 34.a, 00185 Rome