Calendario eventi
We are very excited about the Nobel symposium on 6 October during the Nobel Prize announcement week! It will start at 3pm in the beautiful Sala di Lettura, History of Medicine Library, Sapienza viale dell’Università, 34.a, 00185 Rome.
3.00-3.15 Welcome addresses:
Maria Conforti, Museo di Storia della Medicina, Sapienza
HE Jan Björklund, Swedish ambassador in Italy
Heiner Fangerau, Heinrich-Heine-University, Düsseldorf
(Chair: Gilberto Corbellini, Rome)
3.15-3.45 Paolo Mazzarello, Pavia: Golgi – the first Italian Nobel
3.45-4.15 Giacomo Padrini, Düsseldorf: Italian nominees for the Nobel
Prize in physiology or medicine 1901-1950: Scholars, Research trends,
4.15-4.30 Break
(Chair: Maria Conforti, Rome)
4.30-5.00 Luca Borghi, Rome: Aldo Castellani, Nobel nominee and
globetrotter of Italian medicine
5.00-5.30 Elisabetta Sirgiovanni, Rome: Ugo Cerletti: the missing
Nobel Prize
5.30-5.50 Nils Hansson, Thorsten Halling, Düsseldorf: The Gender Award
Gap: (In)visibility of women in prize cultures
5.50-6.00 Giovanni Paoloni, Commissione per la Storia dell'Accademia
dei Lincei: Commentary
6.00-6.30 Panel discussion: The Uses and Future of (Nobel) prizes in
Italy, with all speakers (moderated by Nils Hansson)
8.00 Dinner